I'm honestly not too worried about the former but the latter because...I think one is in my house. =(
Now, getting a bite is dangerous but not necessarily DEADLY. It's just that when it happens the skin starts to rot away around the bite until you get it fixed. I won't post any pictures because just that one is giving me the wiggles.
First time I saw him I sucked him up in the vacuum. Shoulda killed him. Works with other spiders. I mean, I sucked him up and kept RIGHT on vacuuming. Shoulda been at least burried with the dust and dirt from the rugs, right?
Second time I saw him he was in the bathroom. I soaked him with air freshener but when I went to go collect the body...it was GONE.
Then I saw him creep and crawl a day later on the arm of my couch. I smashed him with a shoe...but no body.
HOUDINI has possessed the body of a spider and my momma is coming down this weekend.
I have mourned his death three times now and NO MORE. I shall find him and his death will be swift and merciful--I hope.
I really really hope he dies this time =(
Ok, so I still feel a little bad. =(
Oh man, that's really creepy! I'm also not a fan of killing anything that's leaving you alone... Unless, like in this case, it could kill/hurt you! Hope you find that Houdini!
I FOUND HIM!!! And I killed him. =( I still felt bad.
Yeah, I would feel bad too. But not as bad as his bite would have felt! Glad you can relax about it. ;)
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