Friday, September 21, 2012

Apology letters

When my students use make up, mirrors, mp3, or their cell phone in class I take it away and won't give it back until I get an apology from them. Usually they write it themselves or have a friend help them with it. Today I got one that was totally google tranlated.

Amanda sir? I class at the time by touching the mirror Teacher cours, I'll clear that for the first time that depriving Touching momentarily forgot to boldly really worry. Am on the mirror Amanda in fhte future to avoid such a thing to keep in mind the teacher who taught me how to forget the rules and they'll remember.
To avoid his to happen again I'll ask once. Back mirror we not?

사과문 = Apology
늘 행복하시기를 = Always be happy (I hope you will be happy)
주위에있는영어찾아서적었어요 = I used English Dictionary to write this.

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