Friday, January 22, 2010

Baby Llama (and other zoo animals)

First, our new baby llama that was born this past Saturday (1/16/10)

She was a surprise! The keepers didn't know her momma was pregnant until one morning she was there--found by one of the keepers. No name yet :) But she's a skittish little thing.


Asian animal that is also referred to as a Bear Cat. She lumbers around like a bear but has the whiskers and face of a cat. Her name is Heather. She smells like Fritos. And she is so sweet and curious.


Red Pandas

Aren't they cute? A few months ago (summer time) our female died =( They were supposed to be a breeding pair but apparently that didn't work out. Now we have two again! Our male looks...sleepy and so did she! But who knows what will happen when spring comes around ;)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

LIttle update about being home and then coming back to MO

I miss being home but I have had little time to really reflect on it. I hit the ground running when my toes touched MI and I haven't stopped since I got back to MO.
Working both jobs is really wearing on my health. I haven't been able to shake this cold since New Years but now it's dwindled down to a soar throat and sneezes.

I missed my transfer again and called mom crying because I was so mad. I am continually reminded how blessed I am, though, that I have a boss who is forgiving and a God who is protecting. I should take pictures of this stop so you can see just how deceivingly tame it appears. Oh well. What can a girl do?

I'm hoping to get into the South Korea program but I sometimes feel that whenever I tell a lot of people about something I'm signing myself up to have it not happen. I still feel this way but I think I need the help, prayer, and support. If I were home in MI I could do it I think. A car or transportation would be easy to come by.

I love my house church here. Best people in the world. Another blessing. Ah man. I wish this Zoo job worked me enough to live on that job alone. I would do it in a heart beat. I am so looking forward to summer.

I miss everyone at home. I miss my favorite little boys. I miss their mom's. I miss my friends and family. The week I came back was super depressing. I was bored and realized it was because I didn't have anywhere to go after work. I just went home. Fun times.

But then I'm following my budget (thank you LINDA) and see a sunny horizon in my future. I want to donate money to this charity that takes care of children who have been taken and exploited. Human Trafficking. I think that will be my charity of choice and next pay check I will be able to give. My house church--I'm the bread giver now so that will be my contribution there. Also a dessert every once in a while.
Thinks are picking up and I hope they stay that way.

Funny how the good things feel like baby steps but the bad things feel like gut-renching pushes.

I will endure <3

Joshua 1:9 <3

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My apt =)

You can kind of see the kitchen from here

Living Room

This used to be open to my bedroom but the curtains give me a little more privacy

Bathroom <3