Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Twelve Days of Christmas :D

SO after another class singing Christmas Carols and filling in the 12 Days of Christmas I have a few more gems to share! :D

From So hee:
1. Christmas tree which is made by me
2. Snowmans that were made by my family
3. Dogs barking silently
4. Smart phones for my family
5. Chickens for me and cousins
6. Shoes
7. Lucky Spirits for Me
8. Favorite Foods
9. Aladdin's Lamps
10. Idol Singers
11. Santas
12. Clothes for me

from 송다정(Song Dah Cheong)
1. Bright star on the tree
2. Fairy Tales Books
3. Pretty Necklace
4. Cute Cats
5. Golden Bells
6. Concert Tickets
7. Signed CD
8. Big Teddy Bears
9. New Clothes
10. New Sneakers
11. Times for play computer
12. Times for sleep.

And finally from 유지유 (You Gee You)
1. Apartment in Seoul
2. Computer
3. Dog like Gaho
4. Banana Milk
5. Big Bang Members (this is a boy band in Korea <3)
6. Airplane ticket to Eruope
7. Candy
8. Bread
9. MP3
10. Vacation
11. BIG Bang's new song
12. BIG BANG's concert ticket

Still can't beat the first one with exploding schools and screaming teachers :D

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